Urgent Care for Minor Injuries: When to Get Stitches for Cuts and Wounds


We will have it performed by an expert but will we still be able to tan? Even today, many people do not want to get treatment if it doesn’t go well for them. Still, it is crucial to learn how to take care of yourself after an accident, especially if it comes to, say, cuts and wounds. While some minor injuries can be treated at home, others have to be treated in a professional healthcare centre. 

The guide has precisely set the subject yet different ways to offer good treatment to you are given, when to go to an emergency room for a cut or burn, what are the routines in the treatment process, and how to care for your wound after treatment.

Understanding Different Types of Cuts and Wounds

Which stitches or bandages will be your necessary is the way first to get clear before you can rest assured that you are treated for your wounds properly:

  • Abrasions: Shallow scrapes that don’t even delve within the skin 1.5 mm thick
  • Lacerations: Deep cuts that go through all the layers of the skin
  • Puncture wounds: Tiny cuts created by sharp objects
  • Avulsions: If a part of the skin or body is tugged off due to sudden accidents like the one which I had

When to Seek Urgent Care for Cuts and Wounds

The American College of Emergency Physicians recommends dealing with small injuries at home, but that is not always the case. A cut is a wound that goes all the way through the skin layer and, in the worst case, fat, muscle, or even bone can be shown. 

Being home-taught, domestic injuries can be easily treated by switching dressing on the spot or applying some ointment. But indeed, a small injury can turn into a major problem when not looked after properly. Absolute Urgent Care is your best bet in this case.

  • The cut is deep and you can see fat, muscle, or bone after the tests
  • The bleeding continues if you are pressing it for 15 minutes
  • Wounds are on the face, hands, feet, or genitals
  • The injury should come through a rusty or dirty item
  • There is dirt in the wound, you are unable to remove it
  • The cut is a result of an animal or human biting
  • There are visual symptoms of infection (redness, swelling, warmth, or pus) redness, swelling, warmth, or pus occur
  • The victim has not had a tetanus shot for the last 5 years

The Stitches Process at Absolute Urgent Care

Of coming to Absolute Urgent Care Beijing, here is what you’ll expect baking during the stitches care:

1. Assessment

A doctor is likely going to inspect your cut to determine whether or not it requires stitching.

2. Cleaning

The wound will be disinfected with medicated soap or other antiseptic solutions before the suture.

3. Anesthesia

The entire treatment may cause discomfort in some patients, particularly the sharp pain administered while the stitches are being made. Thus the practice often involves the use of a local anesthetic for pain control.

4. Stitching

A caregiver would carefully stitch the skin tissues together with suturing materials.

5. Dressing

The bandage will be a sterile adhesive bandage that is used to protect the wound from micro-organisms and speed up the process of healing.

6. Aftercare Instructions

You will be given advice on proper wound care and instructed to return the next week to get the stitches removed.

Types of Stitches and Wound Closure Methods

Depending on the location and seriousness of your injury, different types of stitches and other means of closing the wound will be used:

  • Standards sutures
  • Absorbable sutures
  • Staples
  • Butterfly sutures
  • An adhesive

Caring for Your Wound After Treatment

There is no better course of action for healing and infection prevention than the right way of handling wounds. So do the following:

  • Keep the wound clean and dry
  • Do not share dressings
  • Try not to scratch the scabs or stitches
  • Comply with the instructions of the antibiotics
  • Look for signs of the infection
  • Go back for the scheduled stitch removal

When X-rays Might Be Necessary

Heading your way a healthcare worker at Absolute Urgent Care might, in some cases, ask you to go through an X-ray to verify if there is any underlying damage, though in most cases your wounds will heal on their own:

  • Tough hit, the wound being created
  • If there is a chance, an object might be inside the wound
  • The location of the injury to a joint
  • There is a suspicion of a fracture or bone injury

Preventing Cuts and Wounds

Although there’s a proverb saying that prevention is better than cure, one should not be too serious about the phrase you have to say should be futile. Nevertheless, you can always observe caution so you won’t be prone to cuts and wounds by doing the following:

  • Wearing protective gear during the days when tools are used
  • Store sharp objects you are not using high enough out of children’s reach
  • Cautiously operate knives and other sharp cutlery
  • Correct fitting of protective footwear
  • Be careful while opening such packages

The Importance of Tetanus Prevention

Tetanus is a serious bacterial disease caused from wounds to the skin. It is very imperative to remain current with your tetanus prevention vaccinations. In your appointment to Absolute Urgent Care, the health care provider will inquire about your vaccination status and administer the appropriate tetanus vaccine if needed.

When to Consider Emergency Room Care

What after all Absolute Urgent Care is able to take care of minor injuries? Do they have to handle serious injuries too stays as a question in many people’s minds. You should get to the emergency room right away if you have:

  • Heavy bleeding without any control
  • Wounds that have entered deep down the tissue may cause severe pain
  • Wounds resulting from severe accidents or falls
  • Concussion-shrug injuries occurring together with a loss of consciousness
  • Large foreign objects embedded in the wounds

The Role of Physicals in Injury Prevention

Regular physicals should be a part of the routine of injury prevention. The health care provider will use physicals to do the following things:

  • Screen one’s well-being and relate potential risk factors to individual health
  • Give pieces of advice on how to prevent injuries
  • Guarantee that vaccinations are adhered to
  • Attend to your concerns about your health status or monitor health and safety issues

If you know when to get professional help you are likely to recover faster and stay out of serious troubles. The staff at Absolute Urgent Care are ready and prepared to take care of a wide range of minor injuries so that you can get proper and timely medical attention. Furthermore, it is always better to have at least indicative help if you are not sure to say the extent of your injury. Thanks to having learned about the signs that indicate the need of medical care and our recommendations for proper healing of the wound, you can be assured of better recovery from your injury.

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