Understanding Minor Surgical Procedures: What to Expect at Absolute Urgent Care

Understanding Minor Surgical Procedures: What to Expect at Absolute Urgent Care

At Absolute Urgent Care in texas, we know getting a minor surgical procedure done can be frightening. We aim to give you straight facts and clear guidance so you can feel ready and calm. This guide explains what to expect for minor procedures in our facility.

What Are Minor Surgical Procedures?

Minor surgical procedures are those minimally invasive interventions that are generally performed under local anesthesia without the need of general anesthesia. The procedures, which are frequently done as outpatients, permit patients to go home the same day. Common examples include:

  • Sutures and Stitches: Closing cuts or lacerations
  • Abscess Drainage: Draining of infected fluid collections
  • Foreign Object Removal: Extraction of objects embedded in the skin.
  • Skin Lesion Removal: Removal of moles, warts, or cysts.
  • Biopsies: Removing small pieces of tissue for diagnostic analysis.

The former can treat problems that are not life-threatening, but need urgent medical care to avert complications.

Preparing for Your Procedure

A little preparation can go a long way in increasing the success of your procedure and helping you enjoy a smooth recovery! Here’s how you can prepare:

  • Medications Review: Be also prepared to discuss your medical history, especially any chronic conditions, allergies, and any current medications.
  • Medication Management: Tell us about all medications and supplements you’re using. We might recommend adjusting or stopping some of your medications — particularly blood thinners — to reduce your surgical risk.
  • Fasting: In general, once you are undergoing the procedure with local anesthesia, you generally do not have to fast. You will, however, receive specific instructions that are tailored to your particular procedure.
  • Transportation Arrangements: Based on the procedure and anesthesia your doctor used, make sure you have someone to drive you home afterward.

Taking these steps is critical to ensuring your safety, and for the procedure to be effective.

During the Procedure

Knowing the procedural steps can help ease anxiety. Here’s what generally follows:

  • Administration of Anesthesia: We will apply a local anesthetic to the treatment area to minimize discomfort.
  • Surgery: After achieving numbness, the healthcare provider will perform the desired procedure to mend a wound or excise a lesion.
  • Incision Closure: The incision may be closed with stitches, staples, or adhesive strips afterward (considering the case).
  • Dressing Application: A sterile dressing will cover the site to help protect it and allow for healing.

The procedure can take somewhere between 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

Post-Procedure Care

Taking care of the wounds properly helps heal and avoid complications. The detailed instructions you will get from our medical team may include:

  • Wound care: with advice to keep the area clean and dry and for dressing changes.
  • Activity Restrictions: Guidance on avoiding specific activities to prevent undue stress on the surgical area.
  • Pain Management: Prescribing pain relievers such as over-the-counter medications or prescribed medications as needed
  • Signs of Complications: The information about signs of infection or other symptoms that require immediate medical attention.

Following these guidelines will result in better healing and fewer complications.

Why Choose Absolute Urgent Care?

At Absolute Urgent Care, we are committed to providing patient-centered, efficient, and compassionate healthcare. Our experienced medical team is equipped to perform a variety of minor surgical procedures with the utmost care. We prioritize your safety and comfort, ensuring that each step—from consultation to recovery—is handled with professionalism and empathy.

Absolute Urgent Care Serves Texas Residents in Need of Timely Minor Surgery We are one of the few headquarters facilities in Gainesville and Providence Village with cutting-edge technology to offer the best possible care.

For any questions or to schedule a procedure, I can be reached at:

  • Gainesville: 800 W Highway 82, Gainesville, TX 76240 | 940-301-5000
  • Providence Village: 26631 US HWY 380 E, Suite A, Providence Village, TX 76227 Phone: 940-686-7500

The safety and welfare of our community are at the forefront of our thoughts. Absolute Urgent Care is here for you and your minor surgical procedures.

On Key

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800 W Highway 82,
Gainesville, TX 76240

Phone: 940-301-5000

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Providence Village

26631 US HWY 380E,
Suite A Providence Village, TX 76227

Phone: 940-686-7500

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm